Macawa ni Vosa Vakaviti / Fijian Language Week

This year’s theme reflects the overarching 2021 Pacific Language Week theme of Wellbeing, by linking the importance of language to overall wellbeing.  Here are some ways you can enrich your wellbeing with some Fijian phrases to use on the rugby field AND also around your friends and family.

Phrases to use on the rugby field:

  • Run - cici
  • Run faster - cici vakatotolo 
  • Dont be scared - kua ni rere 
  • Pass the ball - solia mai na polo 
  • Rugby field - rara ni qito raka 


Other catch phrases you can use everyday/well being : 

  • Are you ok? - va evei tiko na bula? / iko set tiko? 
  • Do you want to talk about it? - iko ve wasea mai se veitalanoa taka? 
  • Do you need help? - iko gadreva dua na veivuke?
  • It will be alright - ena qai set mai 
  • Don't worry bro - kua ni leqa taciqu 
  • How are you - vacava tiko? 
  • Have a nice day - vanuinui vinaka ki na siga ni kua 
  • Good luck - vanuinui vinaka 
  • Good morning - ni sa yadra 
  • Goodbye - ni sa moce 
  • Long time no see - sa dede da sega ni sota 


The " C " in the Fijian alphabet is pronounced "th" "Q" is pronounced "ga" 


Article added: Thursday 07 October 2021


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